Welcome to Rodex!

Production, service and trade enterprise RODEX Sp. z o.o. was established in 1989. Carrying out construction investments constituted the main activity of the company.
RODEX produces windows under the brand name of RODLINE – top quality PVC windows (also in Holzfenster Look system), aluminium windows, facades and fire resistant joinery. During the 20 years, the company has gained a significant position on Polish market, especially in the north-eastern region.
Our new production plant is placed in Koplany near Białystok. It consists of warehouses, parking sites and a production hall of 6985 square meters. We have at our disposal the newest machines – two innovative lines for the production of PVC joinery and aluminium facades with increased thermal insulation.
Since 1994, we have been producing top quality PVC joinery on the basis of profiles of a reputable company REHAU and with SIEGENIA fittings. In 1997, cooperating with ALUPROF company, we started to produce aluminium joinery whereas since 2004, we have offered fire-proof joinery basing on ESCO FERRO-WIC’s fire resistant profiles. In 2008, we started to produce, according to ALUPROF system, aluminium fire and smoke resistant barriers.
Throughout the production cycle, starting with the design and ending at the final stage of production, we make use of the long-standing experience of our partners. It aims to make our clients fully satisfied with the quality and functionality of our products.
Making use of the experience and know-how of such companies as REHAU, ALUPROF and ESCO, we managed to create a fully professional and modern technological line that guarantees the best products of top quality. The whole technological process was subordinated to a certain aim, namely having RODEX Window Factory certified with an international ISO 9001 quality label.

We inform with pleasure that since June 2008, we have had ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certificates whereas in Decemb
er 2011, we were provided with PN-N 18001:2004 certificate with regard to the production of PVC and aluminium windows and doors, aluminium facades as well as fire resistant barriers and doors, issued by the Polish Centre for Certification.
Aiming to improve our clients’ satisfaction, thereby make service more professional, we increased the number of trainings and marketing actions targeted at improving our employees’ professional competences and the cooperation procedures with our partners.
We are looking forward to serving you with our high quality products and services.